Situated between the Route 168 Interchange and Coopers Ditch Bridge, Mount Pleasant Road is a busy, two-lane road in Chesapeake, Virginia. Faced with increasing average daily traffic (ADT) over the next two decades, the City of Chesapeake partnered with Clark Nexsen to enhance safety and reduce congestion along the busy corridor.  

Located in a residential corridor, Mount Pleasant Road had two 12 feet undivided lanes, leading to increased congestion and traffic. The number of vehicles passing through the project corridor was around 20,000 per day, which is expected to increase to over 30,000 per day.   

Making Mount Pleasant Road safer was also a key goal of the project. All the intersections along the corridor were unsignalized and lacked turn lanes. To alleviate congestion and provide better driver safety, the project widened the road from two lanes to three, adding a center turn lane in the middle, allowing motorists to turn safely.    

A sidewalk was added to the north side of Mount Pleasant Road to provide pedestrian access. Furthermore, the previous shoulder and open ditch were replaced with a curb and gutter, as well as drainage pipes. Clark Nexsen worked closely with the City of Chesapeake to lay the foundation for future improvements to Mount Pleasant Road to further ease congestion and traffic. 

APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Award Honorable Mention, 2023