Leveraging Clark Nexsen’s transdisciplinary expertise in GIS and energy, NAVFAC partnered with the team of CH2M Hill/Clark Nexsen Energy Partners to conduct an energy and water audit for 32 facilities at Parris Island and to prepare appropriate energy projects based on the audit data.
Our GIS experts developed a GIS database and detailed mapping of the facilities in preparation for the audit. Each room inside the audited facilities was documented as a polygon and attributed by room number. Data included glazing, square footage, quantities and types of fixtures; plumbing and lighting fixtures, thermostats, exterior doors, window AC units, and fan coils, to name just a portion of the data captured. Each building was also captured with exterior systems attributes, for assets such as roof mounted equipment, ground mounted HVAC equipment, site landscape and water usage systems, quantity and types of lighting systems, irrigation controllers, water meters, and gas meters, among others.
The audit consisted of a detailed energy and water survey to investigate and identify energy conservation opportunities; develop the applicable energy conservation opportunity into energy conservation measures for each facility in the following areas: renewable energy projects, mechanical, electrical, building envelopes, and applicable water conservation projects; and provide an energy survey report.